Longing for a sense of normal

Most of my dreams feel like abstract moments of random neuron-firings I normally dismiss, but I’m exploring a recent recurring & annoying dream on a deeper level for possible meaning or significance. For over a year now, I’ve had a recurring dream where I am visiting another place (doesn’t matter where) and I can’t get home. It always includes ground & air travel obstacles, loss of wireless internet connectivity to arrange an Uber, road traffic, arriving at wrong terminal gates ten minutes before departure time without time to reach the correct gate, and difficult & unwilling airline staff denying boarding access. It’s an irrational dream. I’ve never missed a flight. So, I’m asking myself why this recurring dream continues and penning thoughts with hopes writing about it will release subconscious musings causing it.

It so happens I’m not alone apparently. After a little research, I discovered 65 million people have the same recurring dream. I have no idea how the author captured this specific number but it seems reasonable. Dreambible.com summarizes the meaning and significance of this type of dream and its variations this way:

Dreams of being lost and wanting to get home represents your wish to find stability or create a sense of normalcy in a situation. Being frustrated that you can't get something back to normal. ...

Longing for a sense of normal (whatever ‘normal’ means) means not only accepting life’s uncertainties but embracing uncertainty to develop sustainable strength in the unpredictable—to accept chaos and seize spontaneity—while consciously surrendering control in an uncontrollable COVID era. Maybe I’m longing for family as I once knew it. Maybe I’m longing for friends. Maybe I’m longing for a new connection. Maybe I just want to find love again after divorce.

Maybe I’m longing for post-fatherhood freedom to roam again without limitations? Whatever it is, I’m longing, and it’s going to take Pandemic-time to get back to normal or a different new normal.

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