I started skateboarding in 1983, and skated everyday, at least 2 hrs a day for 10 years. I was serious about it. In my prime, I was competing, and winning. I loved it. I breathed it. I dreamt about it. I read about it. I wrote about it (we had a local zine in DC), and thought about it constantly. Two things happened though... 1) skateboarding lost some popularity and traction in the early 90s and there were less people to skate with, and 2) I went to college where there was literally only one other skater on campus. I stopped skating altogether in 1997, not because of a lack of passion, but mostly because I wasn't surrounded by like-minded skaters.
Inspired by a couple other recent professional comebacks (one who I'm personally connected to), I'm back on my deck after about 12 years off. It's awesome, and I'm glad I did it. It's amazing how quick skills return as well. It's not like riding a bike, but close to it. Within a hour, I had my backside and fakie rocks, fakie tail slides, frontside boardslides, 50-50 backside grinds, frontside smiths, and backside methods all back comfortably (vids coming soon). I need to get my ollies back in order - that's gonna take some time. There's a little less spring in my knees today - I blame snowboarding. I also can see more than I'm capable of and need to take it easy while I gradually work my way back.