In the summer of 2005, lots of folks from all walks of life and some in the geospatial and LBS community starting using "Web 2.0" in press releases to describe capabilities of a product, application, or even a vision of what they aspired to become. I recall having a discussion with a good friend at ESRI about this at the time, and that day we both agreed that one day (sooner rather than later) people would look back on those remarks in their PR's with embarrassment because the term would eventually have no meaning. Three years later, Tim O'Reilly agrees that his coin was rather meaningless. And as ReadWriteWeb summarizes "there is no Web 3.0, there is no Web 2.0 - there's just the Web". And beyond that, there certainly aren't parallel universe GeoWebs as pundits profess, SocialWebs or SensorWebs, but rather just a Web.