It's not enough these days to talk about what you purportedly walk; the doers must do, walk the walk - as it were. So in the spirit of learning what we're all about at Sonim for building & selling to other tough-guys who genuinely earn their tag-right everyday, our European Sales Leader (Albert Costilo) suggested we venture into the extreme outdoor challenging environments we tout as mantra to better understand those who live it everyday. Our destination? The European Arctic Circle, deep into the Swedish northern wilderness by way of snowmobile.
Joakim Wiklund (our fearless CTO, mathlete genius, and expat Ericsson inventor - who left them to help Sonim build our phone) helped organize the trip, and he snapped these photos. Strap on your helmet meat men if you're in for and up to the ride. Or take the challenge yourself and contact the best of the best team-leaders and builders Swedish toughmen offer from outside the Ice Hotel. Per and Jesper are awaiting your call. Hooah!