Yes, it's another end-to-end claim from SiRF, this time riding on the Android hype dropped weeks ago. I thought SiRF's previous end-to-end announcement at their inaugural ecosystem event last Oct was strange, arriving like a hangover after the middleware party tried to rock the house years ago. I mean, if you're a developer, what do you gain by using a proxy of other proxies to get a map on your SiRF-powered device, other than increased latency? Why not just use an OpenLS API, web service, or any other XML or javascript derivative directly... Is it better from a silicon company?
The same goes for OMA-SUPL with this latest E2E PR. What does SUPL have to do with Android, other than perhaps HTC or some other OHA member may ship SUPL-ready handsets with SiRF chips in them? It has nothing to do with Google, that's for sure - they are embracing an Open Source approach to mobility - the antithesis of tired telecom standards coming out of the OMA. Water and oil don't mix guys...