With a back-on-track announcement profiling a group of partners for the XOHM network, Sprint's Art Spivy, Director of Content and Community for XOHM, has word for content providers waiting for Sprint's next LBS innovation move - start prepping now to include location in everything you publish and develop, and think about it as an inherent ingredient in all of Sprint's mobile broadband content services that will be included on the XHOM Web portal. This is precisely what Sprint's Rick Robinson means by "geobrowsing", and he's applied it to Sprint's latest ambition to make all XOHM portal content services location-smart and packaged nicely into easy-to-use, individually-branded Web widget consumables. By now you've probably heard about the line-up of widget publishers, which includes uLocate (and all of their Web 2.0 partners) plus Google. According to Spivy, this is just a start, and he, Jared Peterson, and Nick Forgues in the Developer Program unit are all looking forward to on-boarding more publishers and developers with soon-to-be released XOHM portal and web services APIs. These will allow publishers to bring network-location into cloud servers via mashable XML that Sprint has developed internally, with planned feature support for a wide range of 4G devices, a highly sophisticated undertaking indeed.
If you're out at the autumn CTIA show next week, try to attend SiRFecosystem's 2nd annual Location 2.0 Summit. Sprint's Barry West of XOHM is set to give the keynote talk on the topic of 'LBS as a Competitive Differentiator', so I suspect we'll all learn more about Location in a 4G WiMax world there.